Electric Fence Netting


Electric Fence NettingFenceFast.ca  Netting protects livestock, poultry and vegetables from ground-based predators such as coyotes, foxes, fisher cats, skunks, weasels, dogs and even bears. It also deters aerial predators like owls, hawks and eagles (though they may still be able to swoop). Netting fences are not physically strong and must be carefully monitored for escape or entanglement. In most cases, one person can set up a netting fence in 10 minutes or less simply by unrolling the lightweight netting bundle and stepping in the step-in posts built right into it. These posts feature split tops to allow for easy adjustment or replacement and can be tapped lightly with a hammer in hard soils.

Joe and I talk about the different types of netting available from Premier 1 (they’re our episode sponsor) and how to determine how tall you need your net fencing to be. We also discuss a few things to keep in mind when choosing an energizer (the thing that makes your fence electric) – how much output you’ll need, if you want to use solar power or not, how long the energizer will last and best practices for setting up and maintaining your net fencing.

Beyond Barriers: The Power and Precision of Modern Electric Fence Solutions

Joe recommends using a high-quality AC/DC energizer, such as those made by Starkline, with your netting. They offer both solar-powered energizers and ones that plug into an electrical outlet. Starkline’s energizers are designed to work with all their netting products, including a new portable netting system called Shock or Not that uses smaller mesh holes to prevent weasels from slipping through.

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