Investing – Choosing the Right Investments


Investing is the process of saving money to grow it over time and receive returns on that growth. It’s a key component of economic growth, but it also comes with risk.

There are many investment options available, and choosing the right ones depends on your goals. Start by considering how long you’re willing to save for and when you plan to use the funds. The longer your horizon, the more you can afford to take risks to seek higher rates of return. You should also consider how much you can afford to invest without affecting your day-to-day expenses. Find out

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When choosing investments, be careful to avoid investing in high-risk assets. You may want to consider seeking advice from a financial planner. It’s important to remember that investment ultimately comes from forgone consumption, and the best way to reduce investment risk is by diversifying your portfolio with a mix of asset classes. These include stocks (also known as equities), bonds (or fixed income securities) and real estate. You should also consider the tax impact of your investments – and how they compare to each other. Lastly, you should always review the product disclosure statement (PDS) for each investment product to ensure that you fully understand its key features, fees, benefits and risks. This is especially true for high-value products such as managed funds and shares, which can have significantly different levels of risk compared to other low-cost options. The PDS will usually be available online or by calling the provider or your financial adviser.

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