Changing interior Certified Stair lifts might sound like an easy job that doesn’t require any permission, however, local planning policies and guidelines can be strict. A thorough research of your local area and guidance from experienced staircase design companies will ensure that your new and replacement staircase designs comply with regulations and increase the chances of success in your application.
Whether you require planning permission for your staircase project depends on the scope of work that is required. Replacing an existing staircase with an exact replica is considered repair work and would not require approval, while building a new or relocating an outdoor staircase is charged as an alteration.
Demystifying Planning Permission: Your Guide to Installing Staircases
When applying for planning permission for a staircase, your local council will consider a variety of factors, including the impact on neighboring properties. During this process, it is crucial to address any privacy concerns and minimize overlooking, by utilizing a range of effective architectural solutions.
Once you have researched your local area, familiarised yourself with the planning requirements and guidelines for stair builds, and completed your application process, you will need to wait for a decision from the local council. It is important to be patient and ensure that all documents, architectural drawings, and site plans are accurate to reduce the timeframe of your application. You should also keep a record of all fees that have been paid throughout the process. This will help you to reclaim any incurred expenses in the future.