The Temporary Employment Agency Industry in France


In France, the Temporary employment agency industry has a revenue of £1.8 billion. The industry has a moderate competitive landscape with several small and large players. Several factors impact profitability, including the cost of temporary workers, which can vary depending on the candidate’s qualifications and experience.

The French employment agency sector has seen growth since the early 2000s, primarily due to the growing use of temporary contracts as an alternative to permanent jobs, which have seen falling numbers. The sector is now a significant employer and a source of work for many people.

Recrutement Temporaire en France : Comment une Agence d’Intérim Peut Vous Aider

According to data from the National Statistics Institute (INSEE), the average hourly rate for a temporary worker in France is €11.70, while a full-time employee earns €28.30 per hour. The average annual salary in the industry is €32,300.

EuWorkers can hire employees in two ways: either directly or via an intermediary. If an establishment recruits an employee who will be covered by the French social security system, it must submit a pre-recruitment declaration (declaration préalable à l’embauche – DPAE) to the local office of the Primary Health Insurance Fund (Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie – CPAM) and request that the new employee be registered with this fund. It must also organize a medical check-up for the employee, which is mandatory.

A representative present on French soil must be appointed to fulfill the employer’s obligations in France for the entire duration of the posting. This representative must keep a register and provide it to the Labour Inspectorate when requested. It must also indicate on all documents relating to the postings all financial collateral which has been taken out abroad to cover wages, allowances and supplements paid to posted employees, and the amount of the guarantees covered.

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